Type by using your voice!
Save Time and just talk and watch it turn into text just like magic!
✶ You can Save Your Text and get back to it later , Great if you writing long articles
✶ Completely free
✶ Use the keyboard to edit the text befor sharing it
✶ Copy the text to clipboard with a simple click button
✶ Share the text or email it by clicking one button
Important : You need to accept the permission to record audio during the first app instalation or change the permissions from Settings for the app to work.
Voice typing is a simple app and user friendly application. The text appears after you done Talking . Once you get the regularity, you can use the app and send ,share long textes and articles in other social media and many messaging application such as Watsapp, Viber, Skype , note tha voice typing Supports more than 70 different languages.
It is very good Speesh to text application that uses Google recognition voice service.
this application support languages :
English, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Persian chandani, Finnish, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Haitian, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Danish, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Chinese and more ..
voice typing will help you to write your articles faster , this app using the google speech to text Service and this will provide you a good quality speech recognition
Keywords: voice to text,voice recognition,speech recognition,voice typing app,google voice typing app
you can contact us anytime you want at Facebook :
or E-mail : said01ouakrim@gmail.com